Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency

Bowden-Boyatt Law PLLC takes the preservation of a Defendant’s rights very seriously, especially when that Defendant is a juvenile. Bowden-Boyatt Law PLLC is extremely committed to safeguarding all juveniles’ rights in order to ensure that they do not fall victim to a corrupt legal justice system or, even worse, get lost in “the system.” Bowden-Boyatt Law PLLC handles Juvenile Delinquency matters as simple as misdemeanors to more serious ones like felonies and certification cases. Willis is extremely respected and highly regarded amongst his peers. He has built excellent working relationships with various District Attorneys who are the individuals who would be prosecuting your child’s case. Bowden-Boyatt Law PLLC is reasonably priced and understands the difficult situation you, as a parent, and your child are in. Bowden-Boyatt Law PLLC believes that money should not be a barrier to a proper defense, so we offer our clients affordable payment plans. At Bowden-Boyatt Law PLLC, we promise to provide candid advice about the odds of winning a case if taken to trial or whether taking a proposed plea deal would be a better option. 

Juvenile Law Overview:
A child may be arrested by the police and taken to Juvenile Hall. The arresting officer must attempt to notify the child’s parent or guardian. Once at Juvenile Hall, the facility must notify a probation officer and will also try to inform the child’s parent or guardian.

The District Attorney’s office may file a petition against the juvenile alleging that they have committed a delinquent act. Keep in mind that Juveniles do not commit “criminal acts.” They commit “delinquent acts,” as the Juvenile system is not intended to be criminal in nature, despite the charges the juvenile may be charged with.

In Clark County, a hearing must be held in juvenile Court regarding the child’s detention status within 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays); this is also known as the Detention hearing. At the detention hearing, the juvenile Court may decide to: (i) release the child, (ii) release the child with certain conditions (for example, house arrest or release with a GPS ankle monitor), or (iii) detain the child at the detention facility until his plea hearing. At the Detention hearing, the Court will set a plea hearing, where the juvenile will be hauled back into Court, typically with his attorney, for the child to answer the petition. A child may answer the petition with an admission or a denial. If the child denies the petition’s allegations, an adjudicatory hearing is held. An adjudicatory hearing is similar to a trial, where the defense and prosecution call witnesses and present evidence and arguments. If a child admits the allegations of the petition or the petition is sustained after a trial, the judge will enter dispositional or sentencing orders.

Depending on the delinquent act, some sentencing orders may include but are not limited to:

  1. Probation (supervised or unsupervised)
  2. Work crew or community services hours Individual or family counseling
  3. Letter of apology.
  4. Random drug/alcohol testing and search and seizure for drugs/alcohol/weapons
  5. Driver’s license suspension
  6. No gang activity
  7. Participation in classes run by the probation department aimed at developing skills in areas such as victim awareness, family wellness, basic skills, job training, or anger management.
  8. Psychological or psychiatric evaluation
  9. Mandatory school clause
  10. A commitment to the Division of Child and Family Services for a Correctional Placement
  11. No contact orders with certain people or places
  12. Restitution to victim
  13. Participation in mental health or substance abuse treatment services (residential or outpatient)


Juvenile Delinquency can get tricky, and without proper representation, your child can get lost in the system or have their constitutional rights infringed upon without even knowing it. It is also essential to hire an attorney who can help you understand your child’s rights concerning sealing their juvenile records. Willis, through his candor, knowledge of the law, dedication, and understanding that children should not be defined by their mistakes, and his passion for fighting for children, can help you and your child navigate this very stressful and scary time. 

Why Choose Bowden-Boyatt Law PLLC

When you choose Bowden-Boyatt Law PLLC, you can trust that you have a skilled, dedicated, and experienced advocate fighting for you, we are pioneers of modern solo practitioner legal services, dedicated to providing unparalleled expertise, personalized attention, and innovative solutions to our clients. 



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